Our practice at Harinui is respectful, slow and predictable for children.
Respect, care, love and beauty
Harinui provides child care and education for children aged from 3 months to 3 years. Our teachers are passionate about providing the best care and education possible, sensitively supporting your child. Our heart centered environment comes from a place of love, understanding and learning. Our learning environment is designed to encourage infants and toddlers to engage, explore and develop their physical skills. At Harinui we want our centre to feel like a home with a calm and peaceful feel.
Our philosophies
The philosophies of Madga Gerber and Resources for Infant Educators (RIE), and the natural environment are promoted at Harinui. We embrace the Madga Gerba and RIE philosophy so children discover at their own pace. A calm, respectful and predictable environment allows children to explore their environment and to know they are respected and feel safe. Harinui weaves Te Ao Māori naturally and authentically into our children’s day.

Primary caregiver and high teacher ratios
When children enrol at Harinui, one of the teachers will become their Primary Caregiver who will support them during this settling-in process, helping to build trusting relationships between the child, whānau and teachers. Primary care giving promotes secure attachments and relationships. Our centre recognises the importance of the parents and whānau and the importance of their primary influence on the child’s life. Establishing and maintaining communication with parents and whānau is an important part of understanding relationships. Our centre has an open door policy and we welcome parent/whānau participation without obligation.
The purpose designed building is divided into two separate areas. The infants (aged 3 months old – approximately 18 months) have their own dedicated space with a fantastic ratio of 1 teacher to 3 infants, bringing an immense benefit for our infants where they can feel secure and confident. Toddlers and young children (aged 18 months and older) are in the adjacent area. Each space provides children with safe and challenging experiences. The ratio for toddlers is 1 teacher to 4 children, and for children over two years the ratio is 1 teacher to 8 children. All ratios are higher than recommended by the Ministry of Education, which is our commitment to providing high quality care and education. The indoors areas are well resourced and enhanced by the aesthetics of natural resources. At Harinui the kitchen is the heart of the centre. Before meal times, oral and written stories are told to the children and thanks is given to our kitchen staff who have prepared our food.
Beautiful natural environment
Our natural environment is a beautiful focus for our centre, children have many opportunities to be involved in our environment through gardening, caring for small animals and music outside. Our natural play environment of Ngaherenui is an integral part of our outdoor environment where children can develop a sense of wonder, curiosity, respect, exploration and exhilaration. Our children are actively involved in nature.
Harinui provides a variety of activities and experiences with high quality resources which foster open ended experiences that are challenging.
Transitions from Harinui to Arohanui are unhurried and well planned with whānau and teachers. Harinui children do many visits to Arohanui so this becomes a familiar environment.
Our practice at Harinui is respectful, slow and predictable for children.
Respect, care, love and beauty
Harinui provides child care and education for children aged from 3 months to 3 years. Our teachers are passionate about providing the best care and education possible, sensitively supporting your child. Our heart centered environment comes from a place of love, understanding and learning. Our learning environment is designed to encourage infants and toddlers to engage, explore and develop their physical skills. At Harinui we want our centre to feel like a home with a calm and peaceful feel.
Our philosophies
The philosophies of Madga Gerber and Resources for Infant Educators (RIE), and the natural environment are promoted at Harinui. We embrace the Madga Gerba and RIE philosophy so children discover at their own pace. A calm, respectful and predictable environment allows children to explore their environment and to know they are respected and feel safe. Harinui weaves Te Ao Māori naturally and authentically into our children’s day.
Primary caregiver and high teacher ratios
When children enrol at Harinui, one of the teachers will become their Primary Caregiver who will support them during this settling-in process, helping to build trusting relationships between the child, whānau and teachers. Primary care giving promotes secure attachments and relationships. Our centre recognises the importance of the parents and whānau and the importance of their primary influence on the child’s life. Establishing and maintaining communication with parents and whānau is an important part of understanding relationships. Our centre has an open door policy and we welcome parent/whānau participation without obligation.
The purpose designed building is divided into two separate areas. The infants (aged 3 months old – approximately 18 months) have their own dedicated space with a fantastic ratio of 1 teacher to 3 infants, bringing an immense benefit for our infants where they can feel secure and confident. Toddlers and young children (aged 18 months and older) are in the adjacent area. Each space provides children with safe and challenging experiences. The ratio for toddlers is 1 teacher to 4 children, and for children over two years the ratio is 1 teacher to 8 children. All ratios are higher than recommended by the Ministry of Education, which is our commitment to providing high quality care and education. The indoors areas are well resourced and enhanced by the aesthetics of natural resources. At Harinui the kitchen is the heart of the centre. Before meal times, oral and written stories are told to the children and thanks is given to our kitchen staff who have prepared our food.
Beautiful natural environment
Our natural environment is a beautiful focus for our centre, children have many opportunities to be involved in our environment through gardening, caring for small animals and music outside. Our natural play environment of Ngaherenui is an integral part of our outdoor environment where children can develop a sense of wonder, curiosity, respect, exploration and exhilaration. Our children are actively involved in nature.
Harinui provides a variety of activities and experiences with high quality resources which foster open ended experiences that are challenging.
Transitions from Harinui to Arohanui are unhurried and well planned with whānau and teachers. Harinui children do many visits to Arohanui so this becomes a familiar environment.